Practice-based Coaching: Data Informed Decision Making (PBC-DIDM) is a collaborative four-year project between the University of Florida and Vanderbilt University. PBC-DIDM Is a model demonstration project funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).

What does it mean to be an OSEP Model Demonstration Project?

OSEP Model Demonstration Projects are…

OSEP Model Demonstration Projects are a way to bridge the gap between existing research and practice at the school and program level by demonstrating how to implement and sustain evidence-based practices in real world learning environments.

Model demonstration projects support school and program-level systems to implement, evaluate, and scale-up practices or models that have been identified as being effective for improving outcomes for children with disabilities and their families.

What this means for PBC-DIDM…

The PBC-DIDM Project Team is implementing and evaluating the PBC-DIDM model across diverse early childhood programs serving young children from birth to age 5 with and without disabilities (early intervention, early care and education, public school PreK, Early Head Start/Head Start) to enhance the capacity of program personnel to learn and apply effective practices that support young children’s development and learning.

The PBC-DIDM Project Team is working closely with the implementation sites to examine the effects of PBC delivered by authentic program coaches, for both practitioners and children and their families, in real world learning environments.

Foundations of PBC-DIDM

PBC-DIDM was built upon a strong empirical foundation. Click to learn more about the Practice-Based Coaching and other professional development research used to inform the PBC-DIDM model.

PBC-DIDM Project Team

PBC-DIDM is a collaborative effort between the University of Florida and Vanderbilt University. Click to learn more about the members of the PBC-DIDM Project Team and their work.

Our Partner Sites

Child on slide with adult

As a model demonstration project our partner sites play a pivotal role in the development of the PBC-DIDM tools and resources. Click to learn more about the types of inclusive early childhood programs where PBC-DIDM has been implemented.