Practice-Based Coaching

Data-Informed Decision Making

Using data to inform decisions and enhance outcomes for coaches, practitioners, children, and families

Practice-Based Coaching Data-Informed Decision Making (PBC-DIDM) is a model that helps teams and individuals make data-informed decisions about their PBC efforts and effects in early childhood programs serving children from birth to age five.



Learn about the parts of the PBC-DIDM Model

Two adults working together at a laptop, with a woman pointing at the screen


Learn about strategies for supporting the use of PBC-DIDM

Teacher showing child student laptop screen, both with happy expressions


Learn about the PBC-DIDM team and the evidence-base that informed the development of PBC-DIDM

Man at table with coffee typing on laptop

Resources & Tools

Access resources to learn more about PBC-DIDM and tools for facilitating the use of PBC-DIDM

What participants are saying about PBC-DIDM…

“The PBC-DIDM learning experiences were so helpful in showing us which data we can use and how it can be organized and sorted to see patterns and trends in our coaching data.”

Early Intervention Coach

“The Prepare-Look-Think-Act (PLTA) process is great! It’s so user friendly. I plan to use it frequently as a coach and introduce the process to my teachers as well.”

Public Preschool Coach

“PBC-DIDM has been so helpful. I am excited for the opportunity to delve more into data collection and data-informed decision making!”

Early Care and Education Coach