Prepare, Look, Think, Act (PLTA) Process

What is the PLTA Process?

The Prepare, Look, Think, Act (PLTA) Process guides teams and individuals  as they make data-informed decisions. The PLTA Process can be used to explore data from a variety of different sources. To use the process, (1) identify a decision to make, (2) prepare and display data that are relevant for the decision, (3) look at and think about what the data show and how knowledge or experiences are used along with the data to help further understand, analyze and interpret the data, and (4) identify actions or next steps to take related to the decision.

Why is the PLTA Process important for PBC-DIDM?

The PLTA Process is used to make data-informed decisions about PBC and related professional development. The PLTA Process helps all members of the team to have shared language and consistent steps for making data-informed decisions. Using existing effort and effect data and the PLTA Process, individuals and teams can discover which sources of data are helping them to make decisions and if more or different data are needed.

How could teams or individuals use this information?

The PLTA Process module will help teams and indviduals to learn more about how to engage in each step of the Prepare, Look, Think, Act Process. 

What resources are available? 

Learn more about how to identify sources of effort and effect data by visiting the Effort and Effect page of this this website.

Visit the resource library to access resources from the PLTA Process module including a Fillable PLTA Process and a one page brief about Tips for Using the PLTA Process.